Som ni ser så har jag redan lagt upp bilder etc. från vår private view. Detta eftersom det händer saker nu hela tiden och jag har svårt att få mig till att skriva, så vill sådär lite stilla er nyfikenhet med bilder, och så kommer jag att fylla på med text såhär med jämna mellanrum när det inte känns för svårt.
Nu måst jag först skriva om nåt annat, läs efter alla bilderna!
Jaa alltså, jag har gått och varit politisk igen. Eftersom alla mina favoritlärare hotas med sparken på det mest inhumana och otacksamma sätt, började jag skicka runt följande meddelande på facebook:
As you maybe know UCA in Maidstone is closing down and this means some staff will move here from there. I have just overheard some of our staff might lose their jobs before next year in a foolish attempt to save money and replace some staff with staff from maidstone and just leave out some posts.
Staff in danger of losing their jobs is especially technicians such as painting Mike, woodwork Simon and Ben, sculpture Phil, printmaking Pete and digital media Matt and Nina. Also caretakers such as Sim and library staff. Therefor I want to arrange a peaceful manifestation!
Next Friday(19th) I will put up notes around campus about how useful I find these members of staff, and I would like as many as possible to join me. I will for example write "Mike has taught me so much about techniques and helped me a lot with my studio work" and "without the support and knowledge Ben and Simon have provided, the boxes for my exhibition would never have been done". Please write about your positive thought about the technicians and put them up with me Friday morning or give them to me or Jennie Wright in beforehand(or leave them on her or my desk). If we all put up our notes at once on Friday it will look majestic! Help me try to save our technicians and Spread the word!
Jag fick en massa svar och det hela resulterade i en vacker protest-vägg
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